Known issues in MPS release 1.106.1

This list may include some issues incorrectly, because "p4 fixes -i" does not report a fix for a version branch if the files changed by the fix were deleted on the masters before the version branch was taken.

Job Priority Title
job003412 critical Assertion failure in TraceScanAreaMasked on Linux
job003499 critical The MPS issues list looks scary
job003774 critical The MPS does not build on windows.
job004165 critical MPS is to be BSD 2-clause licenced.
job000536 essential release readme.txt doesn't have a "what's new" section
job000539 essential Some external symbols are missing from the reference manual
job000540 essential Reference manual symbol coverage needs reorganizing
job000541 essential Reference manual needs subject sections
job000542 essential No MPS user manual
job000547 essential Reference manual has lots of missing spaces
job000605 essential mpmss fails to link on w3i3mv
job000652 essential mps_arena_destroy may crash if some objects aren't destroyed
job000666 essential Difficult to tell what collections are happening
job001084 essential MPS does not build with "sh configure;make;make install"
job001105 essential MPS doesn't compile on FreeBSD current [fill in version here]
job001147 essential MPS on OS X needs a protection module in order to be faster
job001153 essential The MPS lacks error recovery mechanisms
job001154 essential MPS documentation gives no guidance for when client wants foreign code to use mps-allocated memory
job001155 essential full collects cause gigantic ramps
job001158 essential variety design does not meet requirements of open-source MPS
job001352 essential MPS build fails (Linux, Unix) with libcbt link error: multiple definitions of mps_lib_ fns; because mps.a includes plinth (it should not).
job001365 essential build broken on w3 (Windows) with Visual C++ 7.0
job001366 essential default "all" build broken on w3 (Windows) with Visual C++ 6.0
job001367 essential MPS lacks walkthrough example code (aka "hello-world") for beginners
job001383 essential MPS lacks example GC code - a "hello-world with GC" for beginners
job001395 essential MPS build failure on Linux with glibc 2.3: wrong defines before system includes
job001455 essential MPS LO pool: mps_arena_formatted_objects_walk fails with AVER(i < j)
job001530 essential Intel OS X builds are not possible.
job001545 essential MPS hot varieties do no AVERs or other checking
job001546 essential MPS hot varieties gather tuning statistics
job001547 essential Configura builds do not include a hot variety
job001548 essential MPS assertion in trace.c: RefSetSub(ss.unfixedSummary, SegSummary(seg))
job001549 essential Assertion failure !AMS_IS_INVALID_COLOUR
job001618 essential Stack Scanner for Linux and FreeBSD is not shared.
job001619 essential OS X Intel needs stack scanner.
job001621 essential Can't use threads on OS X.
job001622 essential Client can't multithread on OS X.
job001624 essential MPS doesn't build on FreeBSD 5.5
job001635 essential On Unix, signal handler is not installed correctly.
job001636 essential Too much Unix code is dangerously copied and not shared.
job001637 essential Linux build fails.
job001658 essential Finalization messages are unnecessarily delayed.
job001665 essential Weakness is not well documented.
job001669 essential Developers can't debug MPS on OS X.
job001706 essential MPS PoolAMC could (if no shield cache) assert in LockClaim
job001737 essential MPS: VMArena growth is brittle, does not fallback to smaller growth increment
job001784 essential MPS AMC pool + auto_header format: nailboards leak ControlPool memory
job001785 essential Unclear whether base or client pointer passed to pad method of format auto-header
job001809 essential MPS ambiguous internal pointer makes AMC pool retain memory as pads
job001934 essential MPS VC9 build failure C4996: getenv considered insecure
job001945 essential MPS buildsys CONFIG_PF_* does not select a platform, is not checked by mpstd.h
job001968 essential MPS clients get no synchronous alert of collection begin/end
job001969 essential MPS gc-start and -end messages give no idea of timing
job002205 essential MPS collection runs too slow if client allocates big objects
job002209 essential MPS client cannot determine pool or format, given object address
job002248 essential MPS virtual memory arena class never returns virtual memory
job003301 essential Bogus assertion iswrite == 0 || iswrite == 1 on Windows
job003356 essential Assertion in SegSetGrey when using AMCZ
job003359 essential Ambiguous interior pointers do not keep objects alive
job003367 essential Can't run tests via "make test"
job003371 essential MPS spends too much time making system calls
job003385 essential Performance is poor in large address space on OS X
job003414 essential No test case for multi-threaded stack scanning
job003430 essential Can't run test suite on OS X
job003432 essential amcsshe test failure
job003433 essential mpsicv test failure
job003434 essential Incorrect glossary link from "committed" to "mapping"
job003435 essential Rehashing large hash tables breaks nursery collection strategy
job003436 essential awlut test failure
job003440 essential amcss test failure
job003469 essential CET can't safely make use of the top 2GiB of memory on 32-bit Windows
job003473 essential MPS doesn't build on FreeBSD 9.1
job003474 essential amcssth test failure on lii6gc and fri3gc
job003486 essential mv2test failure
job003494 essential Re-entrancy failure in LDReset
job003496 essential Assertion failure in mps_arena_roots_walk
job003497 essential Messages from assertions sound like bugs in the MPS
job003498 essential Varargs interface to SNC broken
job003503 essential Telemetry system calls mps_io_flush() without mps_io_create()
job003519 essential Clock values in text telemetry logs on Windows have top 32 bits zero
job003553 essential Several "make test" targets fail on Windows
job003554 essential MPS slows down considerably when arena is extended
job003561 essential amcssth fails on lii6gc with RES_COMMIT_LIMIT
job003633 essential AMS requires undocumented AMS_SUPPORT_AMBIGUOUS keyword argument
job003634 essential AMS allocation points require undocumented RANK keyword argument
job003636 essential Can't pass debugging options by keyword argument
job003654 essential Bit table scanning on segment allocation is not scalable
job003661 essential No procedure for merging custom work
job003666 essential Design documents have formatting errors
job003668 essential Stack scanner assumes all references are word-aligned
job003674 essential Hysteresis overwhelmed by allocation
job003677 essential Keyword arguments not robust against user error
job003697 essential Incorrect result code sometimes returned when commit limit is hit
job003700 essential Memory returned to operating system too eagerly
job003703 essential amcssth fails with "unable to obtain resources"
job003739 essential Blocks in AWL and AMS pools are not finalized
job003745 essential AWL alignment is not configurable
job003746 essential None of the smoke tests use AMCZ
job003753 essential nailboardtest failure
job003756 essential eventtxt can't process the telemetry output of amcssth
job003760 essential mpsicv failures
job003771 essential AMS with default args never gets collected
job003772 essential AWL doesn't provoke collections
job003773 essential Objects in LO pools are not all finalized
job003779 essential RASH variety does not compile
job003782 essential FALSE is not a safe default value for MPS_KEY_AMS_SUPPORT_AMBIGUOUS
job003811 essential Missing dependencies for benchmarks
job003845 essential Large arena grain sizes cause massive AMC fragmentation
job003870 essential Can't set MPS_KEY_SPARE
job003884 essential mps_pool_free_size wrong for AWL, LO in hot variety
job003893 essential Arena contracted callback gets called with invalid arena
job003911 essential Can't dump stack from assertion handler
job003937 essential MRG pool does not update scannedSize
job003951 essential clean-up after assertion failure may fail re-entering the MPS
job003956 essential MPS doesn't build on FreeBSD 10
job003971 essential No automatic feedback about overheads of "hot" versus "rash" MPS
job003975 essential Poor performance due to imbalance between protection and scanning costs
job003994 essential MPS_TELEMETRY_CONTROL may introduce security risks
job003998 essential Growing an arena can allocate a chunk with no memory
job004006 essential CVM postmortem debugging support is not properly integrated into the MPS
job004007 essential Policy gets stuck when buffers exceed capacity of generation
job004011 essential Policy gets stuck when the live set triggers the dynamic criterion
job004018 essential Documentation (and test cases) are wrong about mps_collections
job004019 essential Can't handle access violation if arena is locked
job004021 essential Computed chunk size assertion may fail
job004026 essential Failed shield assertions with DEEP checking
job004027 essential Memory corruption due to multiple arenas in multiple threads
job004029 essential mpsicv fails with DEEP checking
job004036 essential Assertion failure in RootCheck with root of type RootTHREAD
job004037 essential Compilation of apss.c fails with GCC 6.1
job004040 essential Use of uninitialized variable in ProtThreadRegister on XC
job004041 essential Assertion failure in fotest on ananll
job004042 essential Assertion failure in apss on w3i3mv
job004043 essential Assertion failure in apss on xci3ll
job004044 essential MMQA function/150.c fails in hot variety on lii6ll
job004049 essential Allocation between whiten and reclaim/detach is not accounted as condemned
job004061 essential Manual does not build with Sphinx 1.6
job004076 essential MPS does not compile with GCC 7
job004086 essential Assertion failure in amssshe
job004108 essential MPS does not build with Xcode 10.0
job004113 essential MPS does not compile with GCC 7.3
job004156 essential MPS does not compile with GCC 8.3
job004158 essential Register scanning approach is not reliable
job004162 essential MPS does not compile with Clang 6.0.0
job004166 essential MPS Contributing agreement requires review and update
job000537 optional Many design documents missing
job000538 optional Project documents are poorly formatted
job000549 optional Blackening an AMS segment can break
job000550 optional BufferEmpty on AMS in mid-collection can break
job001092 optional MPS is not integrated with public cool projects.
job001145 optional Many (mmqa) tests fail on OS X
job001149 optional MPS does not provide sufficient information about addresses
job001150 optional MPS doesn't provide enough feedback information about what it is doing or what it has done
job001151 optional Format methods can't look at other data
job001152 optional The MPS can't be used to simulate a smaller machine
job001156 optional MPS cannot queue a message when a weak thing goes away
job001370 optional MPS RefMan is not valid XHTML
job001421 optional MPS default "all" build omits plinth (mpsplan.a/.lib) and (on w3) mps.lib
job001429 optional MPS lacks documentation on how to use allocation points
job001543 optional MPS mpsicv (test) on OS X does not use reg&stack scanner.
job001550 optional MPS poolams.c AMSFix omits checks: clientRef is within seg; bit index is valid
job001556 optional MPS defect in BS_IS_SINGLE could make some checks ineffective
job001634 optional MPS fails under Rosetta.
job001639 optional Configura would like "control over finalization promptness"
job001659 optional Culprit analysis is too hard.
job001666 optional No guarantee that all weak references to an object die together.
job001687 optional AWL does not recycle memory to the arena.
job001707 optional VM Arena never shrinks a generation zone set preferences.
job001714 optional MPS xcppgc (Mac OS X PowerPC) is built with outdated compiler flags
job001811 optional MPS AMC small nailed objects risk big retention by placement after big objects
job001887 optional MPS mps_arena_committed() is wrong when using mps_arena_class_cl (client arena)
job001966 optional MPS mpsi_check() does not check message type constants
job002175 optional MPS unaligned references are not detected by AMC pools
job003302 optional mps_arena_create fails with deep consistency checks
job003316 optional User guide doesn't explain how to choose object format alignment
job003317 optional Requirements for fixing tagged references are unclear
job003320 optional mps_arena_step unclamps the arena
job003321 optional Private symbols in mps.h are missing underscores
job003323 optional Varargs interfaces are hard to use
job003329 optional Purpose of mps_alert_collection_set is unclear
job003330 optional Unclear which threads need to call mps_tramp
job003331 optional eventcnv appears to hang if you specify a small bucket size
job003332 optional eventcnv outputs an empty bucket when you specify a bucket size
job003333 optional eventcnv produces bogus output if you pass -b but not -e
job003334 optional eventcnv output has bogus timestamp on totals row in CSV format
job003335 optional eventcnv's bucket aggregation is broken
job003337 optional Example Scheme interpreter crashes in append
job003338 optional Example Scheme interpreter does not finalize ports
job003340 optional MPS_TELEMETRY_CONTROL=65535 is ugly and not future-proof
job003341 optional Unclear how to destroy a pool containing objects registered for finalization
job003348 optional Unclear what happens if a thread dies while registered
job003349 optional Unclear what mps_SEH functions are for
job003352 optional Instruction emulation not supported on OS X or x86-64
job003368 optional MFS has no public interface
job003384 optional Collector goes mad when low on address space
job003386 optional Telemetry control interface is poorly designed
job003387 optional Multiple arenas can corrupt telemetry stream
job003388 optional telemetry system API can corrupt telemetry stream
job003431 optional Hard to tell which test case failed
job003439 optional MPS is too hard to use
job003443 optional No coverage testing
job003454 optional Ramp use can break generation chain with bad performance consequences
job003455 optional Frequent ramps can mess up the ramping algorithm and cause performance problems
job003470 optional Test program qs.c fails to compile on Ubuntu 10.04
job003471 optional mps_root_create_table is hard to use without punning
job003472 optional Test output always goes to mps-XXXXXX.log on some platforms
job003476 optional No automated testrun target on Windows
job003477 optional MPS is hard to build and debug on Windows
job003479 optional Some forward declarations of *ClassGet() functions are wrong
job003485 optional Information about cause of errors is lost
job003489 optional Test fail logs are lost forever on build servers
job003492 optional MFS refuses to handle objects smaller than platform alignment
job003495 optional Assertion failure if you try to create a small arena
job003504 optional ANSI plinth does not check its arguments
job003505 optional MPS incurs large overhead on barrier hits
job003506 optional awlutth test case fails on lii6gc
job003507 optional mpseventsql -i and -o options cause crash
job003510 optional mps_free doesn't check all addresses in range
job003513 optional Arena extension callbacks are undocumented
job003520 optional MVT assertion gcseg->buffer == NULL in djbench
job003522 optional PoolFix is on the critical path but contains checks
job003523 optional Accessing to weak tables on 64-bit causes them to be scanned.
job003525 optional Pointers from MPS stack pin down user objects
job003532 optional MPS kit fails to install shared libraries
job003539 optional MPS pause times are not well regulated
job003596 optional Clang/LLVM not supported on Linux
job003619 optional PageOfTract macro doesn't compile in Clang 3.0
job003644 optional Reserve/commit protocol does not cope with exceptions
job003657 optional ztfm test case does not get run
job003659 optional Too hard to maintain the test suite
job003667 optional Locus stress test only gets run on Windows
job003670 optional Chains not generalized across pools
job003672 optional MVT attempts to free a segment with a buffer attached
job003675 optional Can't build manual with Python 3
job003676 optional Scheme example has warnings and errors in Xcode
job003680 optional Can't assert in external interface
job003683 optional Epoch number can wrap around on 32-bit platforms
job003692 optional MPS deep checking fails at bootstrap
job003701 optional MVSpanAlloc shows up in GC profiles
job003704 optional No multi-threaded test cases on Windows
job003709 optional MPS doesn't compile under Pelles C
job003740 optional mpswin.h may change the setting of WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
job003755 optional Telemetry tools not regularly tested
job003757 optional The MPS does not build with clang -Wconversion
job003764 optional Scanning rate is way too high
job003775 optional Creating task branch from custom doesn't work
job003780 optional No test case for register scanning
job003783 optional ChainCondemnAuto condemns too many generations
job003790 optional Segment descriptors could be more efficiently managed
job003794 optional Hard to predict the mortality in a generation
job003796 optional White segment lookup is slow
job003797 optional AMC space is lost to pinning
job003798 optional Tract tables are inflexible
job003799 optional Incrementally collecting the nursery may waste time
job003812 optional MVAlloc taking significant CPU in profiles
job003813 optional TraceReclaim looks at every segment
job003815 optional Freeing a page never destroys a chunk
job003821 optional No test for "make install"
job003822 optional Emergency garbage collection is untested
job003823 optional No control over constant factor in tract management
job003824 optional No control over the constant factor in AMC segment overhead
job003832 optional CVM memory debugging may be redundant
job003841 optional Segs are not Exposed when AMSBlacken calls amsIterate
job003848 optional Access violation in gcbench on Windows
job003850 optional ANSI plinth doesn't flush telemetry on error
job003851 optional mpseventtxt drops top word of clock on w3i3mv
job003857 optional AMC now slower than 1.113
job003878 optional SNC pool class missing from file-at-a-time builds
job003879 optional SNC not tested by main test suite
job003880 optional SNC does not implement size interface
job003882 optional sncss test failure
job003883 optional SNC walks and scans dead objects
job003887 optional LD functions don't check their arena argument
job003898 optional Spare committed memory in the wrong zones prevents allocation
job003899 optional VMArenaGrow can return RESOURCE instead of COMMIT_LIMIT
job003908 optional Not clear that an assertion handler must not call the MPS
job003917 optional Clear x86 direction flag in exception handler
job003921 optional Write barrier may be harmful to performance
job003922 optional Failed arena creation is not correctly unwound
job003923 optional Client arena fails to detect too-small size
job003926 optional Policy is hard to work on
job003929 optional mps_arena_step uses poor estimate of collection time
job003932 optional Allocation frame documentation is unclear
job003938 optional Useless traces are started and progressed
job003942 optional Possible hang in steptest
job003944 optional Arena allocation policy may allocate in blacklisted zone
job003953 optional Definalization doesn't scale
job003954 optional Arena allocation policy does not interact intelligently with the reserve pool
job003955 optional No regression test for job003898
job003957 optional MutatorFaultContext interface is inconsistent and incomplete
job003960 optional No way to get live information about the behaviour of the MPS
job003961 optional Regular testing omits the Scheme example
job003962 optional Regular testing omits the MMQA test suite
job003963 optional Address-based hash table design is not stress-tested
job003969 optional Event clock implementation may not be reliable
job003970 optional The MPS can't scan in parallel with the mutator
job003974 optional StackContext and MutatorContext could be unified
job003976 optional Can't scan parts of segments allocated by buffers
job003977 optional We maintain redundant NMAKE files
job003979 optional Forwarding unnecessarily lowers the read barrier
job003980 optional Branching tool does not distinguish between private and public Git mappings
job003981 optional MPS does not benefit from huge TLB entries
job003984 optional Calling mps_clock frequently is bad for performance
job003985 optional The reservoir pool is entirely bogus
job003986 optional STATISTIC_DECL has rotted
job003987 optional Emergency collection is not documented
job003988 optional No continuous integration test for 32-bit MPS on Linux and OS X
job003989 optional On Windows, pause times are measured using clock(), which is wall-clock time
job003992 optional MAX_SIZE means different things to MV and MVT pools
job003993 optional Restrictions on maximum pool alignment are not checked or documented
job003995 optional MPS doesn't support debugging APs
job003997 optional Can't run MMQA test suite on Windows
job003999 optional Manually managed address space is only returned to the operating system via a trace
job004000 optional MPS condemns too many segments and takes too long to find them
job004001 optional No representation of the set of generations condemned by a trace
job004002 optional Can't implement incremental condemn
job004004 optional mps_arena_pause_time and mps_arena_pause_time_set are not covered
job004008 optional AMSSegMerge loses buffer on high segment
job004010 optional No check that collecting a generation reduces its "new size" to zero
job004016 optional AMC pool may scan parts buffered segments many times
job004017 optional MVFF is slow in the hot variety
job004022 optional Mutator is suspended while the foundation is discovered
job004023 optional Summary-based write barrier invariant won't cope with pre-flip scanning
job004028 optional fotest fails with DEEP checking
job004030 optional Failed shield assertion in finalization tests with deep checking
job004035 optional Thread roots not suitable for user-level threads
job004045 optional MMQA test suite fails on FreeBSD
job004046 optional Assertion failure in ananmv
job004048 optional MMQA test cases fail on w3i6mv
job004055 optional Documentation for mps_root_create_area_tagged is incorrect
job004056 optional lockEnsureGlobalLock is not thread-safe on Windows
job004062 optional fork() unsupported on FreeBSD, Linux and macOS
job004065 optional Scan area functions not flexible enough
job004070 optional LO and AWL pools fail to detect invalid exact references
job004072 optional MRG segments needlessly set the write barrier
job004074 optional mps_definalize might not work
job004082 optional ztfm.c does not compile with Microsoft Visual C 2015
job004084 optional MMQA test function/232.c crashes
job004085 optional MPS doesn't cooperate well with other SEGV handlers
job004090 optional Walking the roots means you can't walk the formatted objects
job004093 optional Predicted mortality is bogus for collection of the world
job004094 optional Trace mortality prediction is bogus
job004096 optional MMQA fails to handle assertion failures
job004097 optional MMQA ignores assertions in tests with OUTPUT_SPEC
job004098 optional Use of clock() is not fork-safe
job004099 optional Monitor not usable for long-running processes
job004100 optional Inconsistent linearization of event times
job004102 optional arenaFreeLandInsertSteal might pass an empty range to LandInsert
job004105 optional Time and space overheads are high
job004161 optional tagtest fails on lii6gc
job004163 optional Scheme example does not build with Clang 11
job000543 nice No MPS programmer's guide
job000548 nice AMS grain colour doesn't agree with design doc
job000677 nice Insufficient stuff has been converted from MMinfo to Ravenbrook Project repository
job000742 nice Some niggles annoy DRJ
job000814 nice Configura cannot manage Lightworks objects with the MPS
job001161 nice there is no human-helpful map of MPS files
job001248 nice (source clarity) Badly named CHECK macros in config.h, check.h are confusing
job001255 nice MPS is broken, at least on Mac OS X 10.4.2
job001357 nice Configura cannot use Win32 fibers
job001360 nice Configura cannot efficiently use SEH.
job001369 nice MPS proc/release-build omits step: update main MPS index page
job001384 nice MPS unclear constraints on avgSize argument to PoolMV mps_pool_create
job001569 nice MPS lacks internal documentation for Shield abstraction
job001571 nice MPS multiple traces would not work
job001676 nice AMC does not implement weakness in emergency fixing.
job001681 nice AMCHeaderFix is an unnecessary copy.
job001682 nice AMCWalk does not honour its contract
job001688 nice AMC repeatedly allocates and initialises identical SegPrefs
job001708 nice VM Arena's segment placement policy could be improved.
job001709 nice VM Arena uses up zones too quickly.
job001715 nice MPS fails to lower barrier when hit: multiple hits cause slowdown (CONJECTURE)
job001789 nice MPS auto_header format is not tested by main test files
job002206 nice MPS some internal tests leave arena parked after mps_arena_collect()
job003315 nice mps.h defines the macro MPS_T_WORD
job003319 nice MVT creation takes "integer percentage" argument
job003322 nice External interface contains useless "fixed" object format
job003324 nice Manual contains little about performance of interface
job003325 nice Purpose of the "class" method of an object format is unclear
job003326 nice Purpose of mps_arena_class_vmnz is unclear
job003327 nice Purpose of reservoirs is unclear
job003328 nice Possible improvement to reserve/commit protocol
job003342 nice mps_arena_unsafe functions are bogus
job003343 nice Documentation could say more about meaning of result codes
job003344 nice Purpose of allocation frames/SNC pool class are unclear
job003350 nice Purpose of manual pool classes is unclear
job003351 nice Debugging pool classes are hard to use
job003357 nice AWL is awkward to use
job003374 nice No documentation about low memory situations
job003411 nice MPS doesn't make use of __builtin_readcyclecounter on OS X
job003413 nice Typos in documentation, comments
job003438 nice arena->serial is always 0
job003448 nice mps_arena_vm_growth is not documented
job003481 nice Test case seed generation is not random enough
job003482 nice Test suite doesn't test error paths
job003483 nice mv2test.c contains a redundant random number generator
job003484 nice MPS has predictable address space layout
job003487 nice Pool debug options are awkward to pass
job003490 nice Assertion failure in MRGDescribe
job003493 nice No recovery mode after assertion failure
job003500 nice Format interface is hard to understand
job003502 nice Race condition in EventInit()
job003508 nice Little in manual about in-band headers
job003509 nice MVFF uses segments unnecessarily
job003512 nice Can't configure MVT alignment
job003515 nice Can't collect diverse MPS messages in order
job003524 nice Arena states are confusing
job003533 nice It's not clear what's the best way to build the MPS
job003535 nice Thread suspension interface is hacky, error-prone
job003559 nice Multiple thread registration does not work on all platforms
job003594 nice Makefiles not compatible with --jobs option
job003595 nice Unsupported platform Linux+Clang not detected
job003628 nice MPS produces warnings when compiled with -Wextra
job003629 nice MPS produces warnings when compiled with -Wwrite-strings
job003630 nice Bad variety not detected
job003631 nice User guide doesn't cover stretchy vector problem
job003632 nice Difficult to integrate with application that has non-atomic updates
job003635 nice Poor error message if you fail to specify a required keyword argument
job003638 nice Incorrect accounting in MVT
job003643 nice Can't use the MPS with clang -fsanitize=address
job003653 nice Scanner makes no use of __builtin_prefetch
job003658 nice zcoll test case does not get run
job003660 nice Asssertion "ring->next != NULL" in ztfm test
job003662 nice spi3.c is mis-named
job003671 nice Non-moving pools don't make best use of zones
job003681 nice MPS does not compile with -Wunreachable-code
job003684 nice Too hard to swap out address range managers
job003685 nice No encapsulation of CBS-failing-over-to-Freelist pattern
job003691 nice CHECKL is used where CHECKD_NOSIG would give more control
job003693 nice The "method" suffix on MPS types is applied too widely
job003711 nice Compiling windows.h takes a long time
job003712 nice No way to compile the MPS one-file-at-a-time on standard OS X
job003713 nice Inconvenient to add new parts on Windows
job003714 nice ArenaRootsWalk does not check the result of TraceAddWhite
job003715 nice Warning pragmas may be unnecessary
job003716 nice "ANSI" platform is not regularly tested
job003719 nice Hard to test and debug threading behaviour
job003721 nice No stack scanning test case
job003722 nice awlut fails on w3i6pc
job003724 nice qs failure on ANSI platform
job003725 nice Classes are not checked
job003737 nice Pool class attributes incorrect, unchecked
job003738 nice Assertion in mps_arena_formatted_objects_walk if you have an AMS pool
job003741 nice mpsw3.h is unnecessary
job003742 nice Root modes not in sync
job003747 nice No default value for MPS_KEY_ARENA_SIZE
job003748 nice Alignment requirements for manual classes are needlessly strict
job003749 nice Hard to write portable debugging pool options
job003750 nice No keyword arguments for arena commit limit
job003751 nice MVFF debug does not work with large objects
job003754 nice finaltest failure
job003758 nice The MPS does not build with gcc -Wconversion
job003759 nice We don't eat our own dog food
job003761 nice airtest failure on lii3gc
job003762 nice steptest is too slow for a smoke test
job003763 nice No easy way to automatically clear freed memory
job003765 nice MVT uses GCSeg but does not need GC features
job003766 nice Splitting and merging complicates writing new seg classes
job003767 nice Describe output is hard to read
job003768 nice Unclear if lockli is required
job003769 nice README out of date wrt WOW64 on Windows 7
job003770 nice MPS does not compile from C++
job003776 nice Pool generations don't refer to the generation they belong to
job003778 nice SegCheck slow in hot variety
job003781 nice No automated performance test
job003784 nice mps_class_t is mis-named
job003786 nice No automated test of the event subsystem
job003787 nice No systematic interface to size of pools
job003789 nice MPS does not try collecting when out of memory
job003791 nice Can't set the rank on an AMC/AMCZ allocation point
job003792 nice AMS and AWL don't update summaries of condemned segments
job003795 nice Arena extensions are not adaptive
job003802 nice Manual unclear about exact collection
job003803 nice Hard to discover roots
job003805 nice Bit table scanning is unoptimized
job003814 nice {VM,Client}ArenaReserved iterates over the chunks
job003816 nice Can't specify generation per allocation point
job003820 nice Scheme interpreter table_set is wrong
job003825 nice Unused closure arguments are unchecked
job003826 nice Can't iterate over CBS while deleting some nodes
job003833 nice "Arena alignment" is a misleading name
job003835 nice SegPrefs are poorly named
job003836 nice PageRetStruct is obsolete
job003837 nice No control over which objects are "large"
job003838 nice MVT uses segments unnecessarily
job003839 nice No benchmarks for space performance
job003842 nice Missing dependencies in nmake build system
job003846 nice No default find dependent function
job003847 nice Allocation clock inconsistency in handling of AMC segment padding
job003852 nice No heap consistency checker
job003853 nice AMCFixForward has useless newRef parameter
job003854 nice nmake clean failure
job003855 nice Manual not explicit about scanning/skipping forwarding/padding objects
job003856 nice amcReclaimNailed creates too many padding objects
job003858 nice Allocating segments in control pool has a bad complexity
job003859 nice Assertion failures in amcssth
job003863 nice mps_io_* functions are misleadingly named
job003864 nice Uncollected finalization messages lead to retention
job003865 nice Unfinalizable objects can be registered for finalization
job003866 nice mps_arena_has_addr fails for address in unsegmented pool classes
job003867 nice RankAMBIG is misleadingly used to mean "minimum rank"
job003868 nice Test function/228.c doesn't detect assertions
job003869 nice Reservoir refuses to supply memory
job003871 nice MMQA test function/165.c failure
job003872 nice MMQA test function/167.c failure
job003873 nice MMQA test function/136.c failure
job003874 nice MMQA test function/214.c failure
job003875 nice MMQA test function/45.c failure
job003876 nice MMQA test function/170.c failure
job003877 nice MMQA test function/148.c failure
job003881 nice SNC never returns memory to the arena
job003885 nice Unclear when to use AVERT in mpsi.c
job003889 nice No error if you destroy a format that's still in use by a pool
job003890 nice No error if you create a pool using a format from another arena
job003892 nice Pool statistics are not used
job003894 nice Intrinsic functions not used on Windows
job003895 nice No interface to logging control
job003900 nice Can't run tests with ASLR turned off
job003901 nice Can't run a single test under the test runner
job003902 nice commpre/commpost distinction is unnecessary
job003905 nice Can't build the MPS in parallel
job003906 nice Not clear whether pointers should be stored in client or base form
job003915 nice Manual in master sources offers download for nonexistent release
job003918 nice MVInit can fail without destroying its block pool
job003919 nice No interface for getting bytes allocated
job003924 nice Unnecessary allocation during arena creation
job003925 nice No test case for removing chunks from the arena
job003927 nice No bootstrap design
job003928 nice VM arena uses two VMs when one might do
job003930 nice Unnamed constants in arenaShouldCollectWorld
job003931 nice Manual claims SNC allocation point requires MPS_KEY_RANK
job003933 nice ArenaPark does not accumulate trace metrics
job003934 nice mps_arena_step may fail to collect world even if it had time
job003935 nice ArenaAvail fails to check its result
job003936 nice Type confusion in work computation
job003939 nice No AccessSetCheck
job003941 nice Configuration parameters are uncommented
job003943 nice No consistent way to discover arena configuration
job003945 nice Easy to mistakenly omit to enable finalization messages
job003946 nice Assertions missing from the manual
job003947 nice Allocation frame protocol not safe for general pools
job003949 nice No glossary entry for telemetry system
job003950 nice Manual not compatible with Sphinx 1.3.1
job003964 nice lo.h is misnamed
job003965 nice AMS has extra implementation poolamsi.c
job003966 nice No design for clock.h
job003967 nice chain.h and locus.c have mis-matching names
job003968 nice Warnings when building manual with Sphinx 1.3.5
job003972 nice MMQA function/226.c gets stuck in the hot variety
job003973 nice rootCreate doesn't check its mode argument
job003978 nice Too hard to experiment with different MPS parameters
job003990 nice MPS doesn't notice if clients write scanners that don't check error codes
job003991 nice No validation tests for client formats.
job004005 nice Destroying an automatically managed pool does not check that the arena is parked
job004009 nice Can't split a segment if buffer is above the split point
job004012 nice No function SegHasBuffer
job004020 nice Running and debugging MMQA test cases is laborious
job004024 nice Accounting overheads are too high on mark & sweep pools
job004025 nice Duplicate code between pool classes
job004038 nice Hard to keep "Common assertions" up to date
job004039 nice Mistakes and omissions in the manual
job004047 nice Inconvenient to run multiple MMQA testsets
job004057 nice Warning pragmas are not localised around the bad cases
job004063 nice Easy to miss mps_addr_pool
job004066 nice Thread-handling functions could do more checking
job004067 nice Telemetry interacts poorly with fork
job004068 nice Duplicate thread-management code
job004069 nice macOS thread registration guard is ineffective and unnecessary
job004073 nice wasMarked protocol is unnecessarily complex
job004077 nice No test cases for bogus arguments to mps_finalize
job004078 nice Typedefs use int when unsigned would be better
job004080 nice Telemetry output not appropriate for interactive use
job004081 nice Event descriptions are in a mess
job004083 nice ChainCreate calls ControlAlloc twice
job004087 nice GenDescCondemned should check that some bytes were condemned
job004088 nice Can't destroy an allocation point with a reserve
job004089 nice No smoke test coverage of mps_arena_roots_walk
job004091 nice No support for saving and restoring automatically managed memory
job004092 nice MMQA test cases fail on 32-bit platforms
job004095 nice No need for two classes of MRG segment
job004101 nice Plain CBS doesn't work
job004103 nice No smoke test coverage of mapping failure in pagesMarkAllocated
job004104 nice fotest fails with "arena commit limit exceeded"
job004106 nice mps_collections doesn't count all collections.
job004107 nice Debugging chapter is out of date
job004109 nice Hash table advice does not mention sets
job004142 nice MPS sources contain links to private documents
job004147 nice MMQA test function/167.c fails on w3i6mv
job004148 nice MMQA relies on deprecated API mps_tramp
job004149 nice MMQA tests conerr/60.c to conerr/68.c fail on w3i6mv
job004164 nice Warning from GCC