========================= MPS Project Week Schedule ========================= 1. Introduction =============== This is a template for scheduling necessary regular tasks for the MPS Project 2. Schedule =========== Monday ------ ===== === 10:15 Issue/PR Priority assessment meeting *[JR]* 11:00 Resource planning and general weekly meeting (max 1h) *[JRP]* Agenda to include: - Planning Configura work and Configura meeting - Plan the *Group working* sessions, who's involved, what do we work on. - Review pipeline planning (not the "planning" activity within proc.review) - Git migration progress (inc release procedure etc) - Something Random - Check hours submitted - Ravenbrook business - AOB 12:00 Optional proc.review activities (1h max) This could be - group work on entry/planning - "Express" proc.reviews - cancelled, especially if a heavy proc.review is expected on Thursday. 13:00 Lunch and Quiet afternoon ===== === Tuesday ------- ===== === 09:00 *Group working* (~4h max) 13:00 Quiet afternoon ===== === Wednesday --------- ===== === 10:00 Meet with Configura *[at least 2 Ravenbrook staff]* + follow up call among Ravenbrook staff if necessary 13:00 Quiet afternoon ===== === Thursday -------- ========== === 09:00 Quiet morning 13:00 Review prep may begin if necessary, reviewers may join and discuss 14:00 [*]_ Proc.review begins for large reviews *[JRP(+)]* (Normally 2h max but 3h max with warning. Appropriate breaks) ========== === .. [*] I suggest we start at 14:00 - but we already said 15:00 in past weeks so no pressure to change it this week. Friday ------ ===== === 09:00 *Group working* (optional, agreed in advance) 11:00 Relaxed Meeting *[JRP] (but leave meeting whenever)* - reflections on the week, how was time spent - free flow discussion, no process and/or agenda here - social, cats, ebikes, APL, furutism, boat bottoms, wispful liststalgia, etc etc.... ===== === A. References ============= .. [JPH-2023-02-28] "Draft week plan" (email); Jonathan Holburn; Ravenbrook Limited