MPS issue job000536

Titlerelease readme.txt doesn't have a "what's new" section
Assigned userNick Barnes
DescriptionThe readme.txt file does not have a "what's new" section. Such a section can be automatically generated, as it is for the P4DTI project.
AnalysisA fix for this must include an improved release build procedure for updating this section.
How foundinspection
EvidenceI just know.
Observed in1.100.1
Introduced in1.100.0
Created byNick Barnes
Created on2002-06-21 11:32:26
Last modified byRichard Kistruck
Last modified on2006-04-04 12:47:47
History2002-06-21 NB Created.


Change Effect Date User Description
157895 closed 2006-03-30 14:45:54 Richard Kistruck MPS: master: Remove plinth files from "mps.a" library (platforms
XC and W3 were like this already). Add "What's new" section to
"readme.txt". Add user-friendly help to "release/index.html".