MPS issue job003765

TitleMVT uses GCSeg but does not need GC features
Assigned userGareth Rees
DescriptionThe MVT pool class [1] uses GCSeg even though it does not participate in garbage collection. This is a potential source of error and confusion. It is also an extra inefficiency in space and time.
AnalysisMVT does not actually need to use GCSegs: in fact, GCSegs create difficulties because buffers need to be detached. It would be simpler just to use ordinary Segs.

(In fact MVT could avoid using segments at all; see job003838.)
How foundinspection
Created byDavid Lovemore
Created on2014-04-15 11:26:25
Last modified byGareth Rees
Last modified on2014-10-11 10:43:57
History2014-04-15 DL Created


Change Effect Date User Description
185556 closed 2014-04-15 12:41:10 Gareth Rees MVT does not actually need to use GCSegs: in fact, GCSegs create difficulties because buffers need to be detached. So switch to using ordinary Segs just like MVFF.