This wiki article contains incomplete and informal notes about the MPS, the precursor to more formal documentation. Not confidential. Readership: MPS users and developers.

These notes on Allocation Points were written by RHSK between 2006-06-07 and 2006-06-22, following research and discussion with RB and NB. Warning: the text in this User's Guide is preliminary, but believed to be 'conservatively correct'. In other words, I think if you follow these guidelines, your code will be correct, and will not violate the current or future definitions of the MPS ap protocol. But this is not (yet) an accurate statement of the MPS ap protocol. RHSK 2006-06-13.

[Note: some constraints may be mentioned only here, and not yet in other places they should be mentioned, such as the Reference Manual. Notably, the client's obligation to ensure there are no exact references to a failed new-object, before it calls mps_ap_trip, is suspected to be new. RHSK 2006-06-13]


Allocation points are an MPS protocol that the client uses to allocate memory with low overhead, and low synchronization cost (with an asynchronous collector and with other threads).

The allocation point protocol is designed to work with incremental collections and multi-threaded clients. (And even if your particular client is single-threaded and non-incremental, for the purposes of using allocation points it's easiest to assume you are coding for this case).

The assumption is that, between any two client instructions, the MPS can interrupt you, move objects around (if they are in a moving pool) and collect garbage. To cope with this, allocating is a two-step process.

Important: .assume.ambig-workspace: this User's Guide assumes that you have declared your stack and registers to be a root that is ambiguously scanned, using mps_root_create_reg and passing the mps_stack_scan_ambig function to it. This is the simplest way to write a client. Other scenarios are possible, but their implications for correct Allocation Point use are not yet documented here.

The rest of this Allocation Points User's Guide contains the following sections:

Creating and destroying allocation points

To create an allocation point in a pool, call mps_ap_create. This may require additional arguments, depending on the pool class. See pool class documentation.

An allocation point MUST NOT be used by more than one thread. (Each thread must have its own allocation point or points).

Destroy an allocation point with mps_ap_destroy.

Overview of two-step allocation

When the client is building (creating and formatting) a new object, you can think of it as being 'in a race' with the MPS. The object is 'under construction', and the MPS cannot manage it in the normal way. So the client should build the object quickly, and then commit it to MPS management. Rarely, the MPS has to move other objects around right in the middle of this build phase: that's a (small) price you pay for having an asynchronous collector. If this happens, the MPS will tell the client that it has 'lost the race'. Objects have moved around, and the new object is invalid. The client must start building it again from scratch.

The client starts building the new object with mps_reserve, and marks it complete by calling mps_commit. Almost always, mps_commit succeeds. But if the client did not complete the object in time, then mps_commit fails (returns 0).

This is how the client should build a new object:

  1. mps_reserve some memory,
  2. build a new object in it,
  3. store a reference to the new object in an ambiguously-scanned place (but NOT in any exactly-scanned place),
  4. mps_commit the new object to MPS management;

If commit succeeds, the object is complete, and immediately becomes just a normal allocated object. The client may write a reference to the new object into some older object (thereby connecting the new object into the client's graph of objects).

If commit fails, the new object no longer exists: the data has gone and any references that used to refer to it are now dangling pointers. The client should simply try to build the object again.

In pseudo-code, the standard allocation point idiom is:

    initialize new object
    make an ambiguous reference to new object
  while (! mps_commit)
  link new object into my object graph

(Do not worry about getting stuck in this loop: commit usually fails at most once per collection, so it is very rare for commit to fail even once, let alone twice).

In C, this typically looks like this:

int make_object(mps_ap_t ap, object *parent)
  void *p;
  object *neo = NULL;

  do {
    if (mps_reserve(&p, ap, SIZE_OBJECT) != MPS_RES_OK) {
      goto fail_make_object;
    /* Build the new object */
    neo = p;
    neo->formatcode = FORMAT_CLIENT;  /* (not fwd or pad) */
    neo->type = TYPE_OBJECT;
    neo->size = SIZE_OBJECT;
    neo->parent = parent;
    neo->tribe = parent->tribe;
    neo->child = NULL;
    /* neo (ambiguous reference) preserves the new object */
  } while (! mps_commit(ap, p, SIZE_OBJECT));

  /* Success: link the new object into my object graph */
  parent->child = neo;
  return TRUE;

  return FALSE;  /* out of memory, etc */

Note that, throughout this User's Guide, we assume that the stack and registers are declared as ambiguous roots (.assume.ambig-workspace) which means that the neo pointer keeps the new object alive for us.

The rest of this User's Guide goes through these steps in more detail.

The graph of managed references

The MPS is a moving garbage collector: it supports preserve-by-copying pools, whose objects are 'mobile'. Whenever the MPS moves an object, it will ensure that all managed references are updated to point to the new location -- and this happens instantaneously as far as the client sees it.

The client should assume that, between any pair of instructions, the MPS may 'shake' this graph, moving all the mobile objects, and updating all the managed references.

Any parts of the graph that are no longer connected (no longer reachable from declared roots) may be collected, and the memory that those objects occupied may be unmapped, or re-used for different objects.

The client usually takes care to ensure that all the references it holds are managed. To be managed, the reference must be in a declared root (such as a scanned stack or a global variable), or in a formatted object that is reachable from a root.

It is okay for a careful client to hold unmanaged references, but:


Call mps_reserve, passing the size of the new object you wish to create. The size must be aligned to the pool alignment. This is in contrast to mps_alloc, which (for some pools) allows unaligned sizes.

[Normally, use mps_reserve (the lower-case C macro). But if you are using a weak compiler that does not detect common subexpressions, you may find that using MPS_RESERVE_BLOCK (functionally identical) generates faster code. Or it may generate slower code. It depends on your compiler, and you will have to conduct tests to find out.]

mps_reserve returns a reference to a piece of new memory for the client to build a new object in. During this build, the MPS pins the piece of memory, and treats it as raw data.

"Pinned" means: it will not move, be collected, be unmapped, or anything like that. You may keep an unmanaged reference to it at this time.

"Raw data" means two things:

Firstly, "raw data" means that any references stored IN the new object are unmanaged. This means:

Secondly, "raw data" means that any references TO the new object are treated like other references to unmanaged memory:

Building the object

The client will typically do all these things:

However, during the build, there are a couple of restrictions:

Before the end of the build phase:

Optionally, for improved robustness to bugs, consider initialising all parts of the new object, including parts that are not yet being used to store useful data (such as a string buffer). You might want to make this compile-time switchable, for debugging.

If you leave these unused parts uninitialised, they may contain data that looks like a valid object -- this is called a "spoof object". (This might be the 'ghost' of a previous object, or just random junk that happens to look like a valid object).

This is completely legal: spoof objects do not cause a problem for the MPS.

However, this might leave you with less safety margin than you want, especially when developing a new client. If there were to be a bug in your code (or indeed in the MPS) that resulted in a bogus exact reference to this spoof, it might go undetected, and arbitrary corruption might occur before the bug came to light. So, consider filling these as-yet unused parts with specially chosen dummy values, at least as an option for debugging. Choose dummy values that your format code will recognise as not permitted at the start of a valid formatted object. You will then detect bogus exact references more promptly.

[RHSK 2006-06-15: In poolamc, these ghosts will be forwarding pointers, and they will usually get unmapped (though unless we use zeroed / secure / etc VM they may get mapped-in again intact). But if the tract is nailed they won't even get unmapped. And ghost forwarding pointers are just as bad news as any other spoof. There's currently no format method "destroy". If there was, we could call it in the reclaim phase, to allow format code to safely mark these ghosts as dead. Actually, perhaps that's a valid use of the 'pad' method? ]


When you call mps_commit, it will either fail or succeed.

Almost always, mps_commit succeeds. If it succeeds, that means:

Occasionally but rarely, mps_commit fails. This means:

If commit fails, the client usually tries making the object again (although this is not required: it is allowed to just give up!). This is why the standard allocation point idiom has a do...while loop.

Common mistakes

Here are some examples of mistakes to avoid:

The example below is INCORRECT.

typedef struct object_s {
  int              formatcode;  /* FORMAT_CLIENT, _FWD, or _PAD */
  int              type;
  size_t           size;
  struct object_s *tribe;
  struct object_s *parent;
  struct object_s *child;
} object; 

int make_object(mps_ap_t ap, object *parent)
  void *p;
  object *neo = NULL;

  do {
    if (mps_reserve(&p, ap, SIZE_OBJECT) != MPS_RES_OK) {
      goto fail_make_object;
    /* Build the new object */
    neo = p;
    neo->formatcode = FORMAT_CLIENT;
    neo->type = TYPE_OBJECT;
    neo->size = SIZE_OBJECT;
    neo->parent = parent;
    neo->tribe = neo->parent->tribe;  /*--- incorrect-1 ---*/
    parent->child = neo;  /*--- incorrect-2 ---*/
    /* neo (ambiguous reference) preserves the new object */
  } while (! mps_commit(ap, p, SIZE_OBJECT));

  neo->child = NULL;  /*--- incorrect-3 ---*/
  return TRUE;

  return FALSE;  /* out of memory, etc */

The example above is INCORRECT.

Incorrect-1: do not read references from the new object. Dereferencing neo->parent is illegal. (The code should use parent->tribe).

Incorrect-2: making an exact reference to the new object is illegal. (The code should only do this after a successful commit).

Incorrect-3: the child slot (in this example) is exactly scanned, and it MUST be initialised before the call to commit. (The code shown is initialising it too late).

Conclusion and further details

Although this User's Guide explains the protocol in terms of the pre-packaged macros mps_reserve and mps_commit, that is a simplification. The MPS allocation point protocol is designed as a binary protocol, defined at the level of atomic machine operations. The precise specification of the binary protocol is beyond the scope of this document.

For further discussion of Allocation Points, see Allocation Points -- Internals.

B. Document History

(As part of GC article)
  2006-06-09  RHSK  Allocation points: how it's supposed to be, from RB
  2006-06-09  RHSK  Allocation points: must make at least one ambiguous ref 
                    and no exact refs to new object before calling commit.
  2006-06-12  RHSK  Allocation points: minor edits for clarity.
  2006-06-12  RHSK  Allocation point internals: Scenario; A mutator with 
                    ambiguous references only (to the new object); How 
                    bad is a bogus exact reference?; quick notes on: with 
                    exact refs; flipping at other times.
  2006-06-13  RHSK  Allocation point user's guide: Tidy; clarify-- not 
                    yet complete.
                    Distinguish it from section on AP internals.
  2006-06-14  RHSK  Allocation point user's guide: standard reserve-commit 
                      idiom: corrections, and now assume ambiguous reg+stack:
                      transitioning to this assumption.
                    Add .talk.RB.2006-06-13 about standard r-c idiom 
                    Add .talk.RB.2006-06-14 about Modes of use of MPS, 
                      and Promises to not flip (single-threaded).
                    Add .think.RHSK.2006-06-14 about how we could support 
                      unscanned reg+stack, even with multi-threaded, moving
  2006-06-15  RHSK  Allocation Points: clarifications and further notes 
                    into User Guide and Internals, including initializing 
                    as-yet unused parts of new objects to reduce spoofing.
  2006-06-22  RHSK  Move rough notes .talk.RB.2006-06-13 etc elsewhere.
                    Make AP User Guide consistently .assume.ambig-workspace,
                    moving notes to APInternals; add Intro and Mistakes;
                    check example code.

(This article)
  2006-06-22  RHSK  Created from GC article.
  2006-06-23  RHSK  Move AP Internals discussion to its own article.

C. Copyright and License

This document is copyright © 2006 Ravenbrook Limited. All rights reserved. This is an open source license. Contact Ravenbrook for commercial licensing options.

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  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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  3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to obtain complete source code for the this software and any accompanying software that uses this software. The source code must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For an executable file, complete source code means the source code for all modules it contains. It does not include source code for modules or files that typically accompany the major components of the operating system on which the executable file runs.

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