.. mode: -*- rst -*- MPS Strategy ============ :Tag: design.mps.strategy :Author: Nick Barnes :Organization: Ravenbrook Limited :Date: 2013-06-04 :Revision: $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/version/1.113/design/strategy.txt#1 $ :Copyright: See section `Copyright and License`_. Introduction ------------ _`.intro` This is the design of collection strategy for the MPS. _`.readership` MPS developers. Overview -------- _`.overview` The MPS uses "strategy" code to make three decisions: - when to start a collection trace; - what to condemn; - how to schedule tracing work. This document describes the current strategy, identifies some weaknesses in it, and outlines some possible future development directions. Requirements ------------ [TODO: source some from req.dylan, or do an up-to-date requirements analysis -- NB 2013-03-25] Garbage collection is a trade-off between time and space: it consumes some [CPU] time in order to save some [memory] space. Strategy shifts the balance point. A better strategy will take less time to produce more space. Examples of good strategy might include: - choosing segments to condemn which contain high proportions of dead objects; - starting a trace when a large number of objects have just died; - doing enough collection soon enough that the client program never suffers low-memory problems; - using otherwise-idle CPU resources for tracing. Conversely, it would be bad strategy to do the reverse of each of these (condemning live objects; tracing when there's very little garbage; not collecting enough; tracing when the client program is busy). Abstracting from these notions, requirements on strategy would relate to: - Maximum pause time and other utilization metrics (for example, bounded mutator utilization, minimum mutator utilization, total MPS CPU usage); - Collecting enough garbage (for example: overall heap size; low-memory requirements). - Allowing client control (for example, client recommendations for collection timing or condemnation). There are other possible strategy considerations which are so far outside the scope of current strategy and MPS design that this document disregards them. For example, either inferring or allowing the client to specify preferred relative object locations ("this object should be kept in the same cache line as that one"), to improve cache locality. Generations ----------- The largest part of the current MPS strategy implementation is the support for generational GC. Generations are only fully supported for AMC (and AMCZ) pools. See under "Non-AMC Pools", below, for more information. Data Structures ............... The fundamental structure of generational GC is the ``Chain``, which describes a set of generations. A chain is created by client code calling ``mps_chain_create()``, specifying the "size" and "mortality" for each generation. When creating an AMC pool, the client code must specify the chain which will control collections for that pool. The same chain may be used for multiple pools. Each generation in a chain has a ``GenDesc`` structure, allocated in an array pointed to from the chain. Each AMC pool has a set of ``PoolGen`` structures, one per generation. The PoolGens for each generation point to the GenDesc and are linked together in a ring on the GenDesc. These structures are (solely?) used to gather information for strategy decisions. The arena has a unique ``GenDesc`` structure, named ``topGen`` and described in comments as "the dynamic generation" (although in fact it is the *least* dynamic generation). Each AMC pool has one more PoolGen than there are GenDescs in the chain. The extra PoolGen refers to this topGen. AMC segments have a segment descriptor ``amcSegStruct`` which is a ``GCSegStruct`` with two additional fields. One field ``segTypeP`` is a pointer either to the per-generation per-pool ``amcGen`` structure (a subclass of ``PoolGen``), or to a nailboard (which then points to an amcGen). The other field ``new`` is a boolean used for keeping track of memory usage for strategy reasons (see below under 'Accounting'). The ``amcGen`` is used for statistics (``->segs``) and forwarding buffers (``->forward``). The AMC pool class only ever allocates a segment in order to fill a buffer: either the buffer for a client Allocation Point, or a forwarding buffer. In order to support generational collection, there is a subclass ``amcBuf`` of ``SegBuf``, with a ``gen`` field (pointing to a ``amcGen``). So in ``AMCBufferFill()`` the generation of the new segment can be determined. When an AMC pool is created, these ``amcGen`` and ``amcBuf`` structures are all created, and the ``amcBuf->gen`` fields initialized so that the forwarding buffer of each amcGen knows that it belongs to the next "older" amcGen (apart from the "oldest" amcGen - that which refers to the topGen - whose forwarding buffer belongs to itself). When copying an object in ``AMCFix()``, the object's current generation is determined (``amcSegGen()``), and the object is copied to that amcGen's forwarding buffer, using the buffer protocol. Thus, objects are "promoted" up the chain of generations until they end up in the topGen, which is shared between all chains and all pools. For statistics and reporting purposes, when ``STATISTICS`` is on, each AMC pool has an array of ``PageRetStruct``s, one per trace. This structure has many ``Count`` fields, and is intended to help to assess AMC page retention code. See job001811. Zones ..... All collections in the MPS start with condemnation of a complete ``ZoneSet``. Each generation in each chain has a zoneset associated with it (``chain->gen[N].zones``); the condemned zoneset is the union of some number of generation's zonesets. It is condemned by code in the chain system calling ``TraceCondemnZones()``. This is either for all chains (``ChainCondemnAll()`` called for every chain from ``traceCondemnAll()``) or for some number of generations in a single chain (``ChainCondemnAuto()`` called from ``TracePoll()``). Note that the condemnation is of every automatic-pool segment in any zone in the zoneset. It is not limited to the segments actually associated with the condemned generation(s). An attempt is made to use distinct zonesets for different generations. Segments are allocated from ``AMCBufferFill()`` using ``ChainAlloc()`` which creates a ``SegPref`` using the zoneset from the generation's ``GenDesc``. The zoneset for each generation number starts out empty. If the zoneset is empty, an attempt is made to allocate from a free zone. The ``GenDesc`` zoneset is augmented with whichever zones the new segment occupies. Note that this zoneset can never shrink. Accounting .......... - ``gen[N].mortality`` - Specified by the client. - TODO: fill in how this is used. - ``gen[N].capacity`` - Specified by the client. - TODO: fill in how this is used. - ``amcSeg->new`` - TODO: fill this in - ``pgen->totalSize``: - incremented by ``AMCBufferFill()``; - decremented by ``amcReclaimNailed()`` and ``AMCReclaim()``; - added up by ``GenDescTotalSize(gen)``. - ``pgen->newSize``: - incremented by ``AMCBufferFill()`` (*when not ramping*) and ``AMCRampEnd()``; - decremented by ``AMCWhiten()``, - added up by ``GenDescNewSize(gen)``. - ``gen[N].proflow``: - set to 1.0 by ``ChainCreate()``; - ``arena->topGen.proflow`` set to 0.0 by ``LocusInit(arena)``; - *The value of this field is never used*. - ``pgen->newSizeAtCreate``: - set by ``traceCopySizes()`` (that is its purpose); - output in the ``TraceStartPoolGen`` telemetry event. Ramps ..... The intended semantics of ramping are pretty simple. It allows the client to advise us of periods of large short-lived allocation on a particular AP. Stuff allocated using that AP during its "ramp" will probably be dead when the ramp finishes. How the MPS makes use of this advice is up to us, but for instance we might segregate those objects, collect them less enthusiastically during the ramp and then more enthusiastically soon after the ramp finishes. Ramps can nest. A ramp is entered by calling:: mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(ap, mps_alloc_pattern_ramp()) or similar, and left in a similar way. This is implemented on a per-pool basis, for AMC only (it's ignored by the other automatic pools). PoolAMC throws away the identity of the AP specified by the client. The implementation is intended to work by changing the generational forwarding behaviour, so that there is a "ramp generation" - one of the regular AMC generations - which forwards to itself if collected during a ramp (instead of promoting to an older generation). It also tweaks the strategy calculation code, in a way with consequences I am documenting elsewhere. Right now, the code sets this ramp generation to the last generation specified in the pool's "chain": it ordinarily forwards to the "after-ramp" generation, which is the "dynamic generation" (i.e. the least dynamic generation, i.e. the arena-wide "top generation"). My recollection, and some mentions in design/poolamc, suggests that the ramp generation used to be chosen differently from this. So far, it doesn't sound too ghastly, I guess, although the subversion of the generational system seems a little daft. Read on.... An AMC pool has a ``rampMode`` (which is really a state of a state machine), taking one of five values: OUTSIDE, BEGIN, RAMPING, FINISH, and COLLECTING (actually the enum values are called RampX for these X). We initialize in OUTSIDE. The pool also has a ``rampCount``, which is the ramp nesting depth and is used to allow us to ignore ramp transitions other than the outermost. According to design/poolamc, there's an invariant (in BEGIN or RAMPING, ``rampCount > 0``; in COLLECTING or OUTSIDE, ``rampCount == 0``), but this isn't checked in ``AMCCheck()`` and in fact is false for COLLECTING (see below). There is a small set of events causing state machine transitions: - entering an outermost ramp; - leaving an outermost ramp; - condemning any segment of a ramp generation (detected in AMCWhiten); - reclaiming any AMC segment. Here's pseudo-code for all the transition events: Entering an outermost ramp: if not FINISH, go to BEGIN. Leaving an outermost ramp: if RAMPING, go to FINISH. Otherwise, go to OUTSIDE. Condemning a ramp generation segment: If BEGIN, go to RAMPING and make the ramp generation forward to itself (detach the forwarding buffer and reset its generation). If FINISH, go to COLLECTING and make the ramp generation forward to the after-ramp generation. Reclaiming any AMC segment: If COLLECTING: if ``rampCount > 0``, go to BEGIN. Otherwise go to OUTSIDE. Now, some deductions: #. When OUTSIDE, the count is always zero, because (a) it starts that way, and the only ways to go OUTSIDE are (b) by leaving an outermost ramp (count goes to zero) or (c) by reclaiming when the count is zero. #. When BEGIN, the count is never zero (consider the transitions to BEGIN and the transition to zero). #. When RAMPING, the count is never zero (again consider transitions to RAMPING and the transition to zero). #. When FINISH, the count can be anything (the transition to FINISH has zero count, but the Enter transition when FINISH can change that and then it can increment to any value). #. When COLLECTING, the count can be anything (from the previous fact, and the transition to COLLECTING). #. *This is a bug!!* The ramp generation is not always reset (to forward to the after-ramp generation). If we get into FINISH and then see another ramp before the next condemnation of the ramp generation, we will Enter followed by Leave. The Enter will keep us in FINISH, and the Leave will take us back to OUTSIDE, skipping the transition to the COLLECTING state which is what resets the ramp generation forwarding buffer. [TODO: check whether I made an issue and/or fixed it; NB 2013-06-04] The simplest change to fix this is to change the behaviour of the Leave transition, which should only take us OUTSIDE if we are in BEGIN or COLLECTING. We should also update design/poolamc to tell the truth, and check the invariants, which will be these: OUTSIDE => zero BEGIN => non-zero RAMPING => non-zero A cleverer change might radically rearrange the state machine (e.g. reduce the number of states to three) but that would require closer design thought and should probably be postponed until we have a clearer overall strategy plan. While I'm writing pseudo-code versions of ramp-related code, I should mention this other snippet, which is the only other code relating to ramping (these notes are useful when thinking about the broader strategy code): In ``AMCBufferFill()``, if we're RAMPING, and filling the forwarding buffer of the ramp generation, and the ramp generation is the forwarding buffer's generation, set ``amcSeg->new`` to FALSE. Otherwise, add the segment size to ``poolGen.newSize``. And since I've now mentioned the ``amcSeg->new`` flag, here are the only other uses of that: - it initializes as TRUE. - When leaving an outermost ramp, go through all the segments in the pool. Any non-white segment in the rampGen with new set to FALSE has its size added to ``poolGen->newSize`` and gets new set to TRUE. - in ``AMCWhiten()``, if new is TRUE, the segment size is deducted from ``poolGen.newSize`` and new is set to FALSE. Non-AMC Pools ............. The implementations of AMS, AWL, and LO pool classes are all aware of generations (this is necessary because all tracing is driven by the generational data structures described above), but do not make use of them. For LO and AWL, when a pool is created, a chain with a single generation is also created, with size and mortality parameters hard-wired into the pool-creation function (LOInit, AWLInit). For AMS, a chain is passed as a pool creation parameter into ``mps_pool_create()``, but this chain must also have only a single generation (otherwise ``ResPARAM`` is returned). Note that these chains are separate from any chain used by an AMC pool (except in the trivial case when a single-generation chain is used for both AMC and AMS). Note also that these pools do not use or point to the ``arena->topGen``, which applies only to AMC. Non-AMC pools have no support for ramps. Starting a Trace ................ TODO: Why do we start a trace? How do we choose what to condemn? Trace Progress .............. TODO: When do we do some tracing work? How much tracing work do we do? Document History ---------------- - 2013-06-04 NB_ Checked this in although it's far from complete. Pasted in my 'ramping notes' from email, which mention some bugs which I may have fixed (TODO: check this). - 2014-01-29 RB_ The arena no longer manages generation zonesets. .. _RB: http://www.ravenbrook.com/consultants/rb .. _NB: http://www.ravenbrook.com/consultants/nb/ Copyright and License --------------------- Copyright © 2013-2014 Ravenbrook Limited. All rights reserved. . This is an open source license. Contact Ravenbrook for commercial licensing options. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: #. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. #. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. #. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to obtain complete source code for this software and any accompanying software that uses this software. The source code must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For an executable file, complete source code means the source code for all modules it contains. It does not include source code for modules or files that typically accompany the major components of the operating system on which the executable file runs. **This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holders and contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.**