Ravenbrook / Projects / Memory Pool System

Memory Pool System Project

Memory Pool System Versions

Richard Brooksby, Ravenbrook Limited, 2002-06-17

1. Introduction

This document lists the product versions for the Memory Pool System project. (See [RB 1999-05-20] for a discussion of master sources, versions, and releases.)

This document will be updated as new versions are created.

The readership of this document is anyone interested in the project.

This document is not confidential.

2. Versions

Version Releases Origin Overview Perforce links
1.118 554513b Merging Configura customizations with the public MPS. version branch
1.117 1.117.0 master/...@194755 Fork-safety on Unix platforms. base
1.116 1.116.0 master/...@192370 Automatic measurement of generation mortality. Support for postmortem debugging. base
1.115 1.115.0 master/...@190714 Client control over pause times, with significant performance improvements on OS X and Linux. Flexible scanning of tagged references. Clang support on FreeBSD. base
1.114 1.114.0 master/...@186836 Improvements to performance and flexibility. base
1.113 1.113.0 master/...@184830 Improved interface to generation chains. base
1.112 1.112.0 master/...@183961 New platform lli6ll. /LARGEADDRESSAWARE on Windows. Threads on OS X. base
1.111 1.111.0 master/...@181615 Complete user documentation. Improved telemetry tools. base
1.110 1.110.0 master/...@179404
  • 64-bit is here!
  • Major updates to support modern versions of Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and FreeBSD; dropped support for other operating systems.
  • Major updates to support 64-bit variants of all platforms.
  • Redesign of MPS build bringing significant performance improvements using global optimisation.
  • Redesign of MPS integration allowing source-level mixing and optimisation with client code.
  • Update to telemetry system allowing in-core logging and backtraces of recent events.
  • Improved compaction of virtual memory usage at the end of collection cycles.
  • Simple GNU autoconf support.
  • Improved initial experience: readme, build notes, etc.
1.109 1.109.0 1.109.1 master/...@169933 Baseline for vmem and collection scheduling improvements. base
1.108 1.108.0 1.108.1 1.108.2 master/...@162803 Less-delayed finalization. Fix incorrect assert when memory is low. More Mac OS X functionality. Build on Linux and FreeBSD 5.5. If unable to extend arena by desired amount, try smaller extension. Fix auto_header leak and AMC nailed seg retention. base
1.107 1.107.0 master/...@161216 Post message when a garbage collection starts, saying why. Hot varieties (hi, he) have AVERs, don't gather stats. Fix arena walk when LO pool is present. Mac OS X Intel build. base
1.106 1.106.0 1.106.1 1.106.2 master/...@155174 Split conjoined asserts; fix build failures; add basic example code. No functional changes to MPS implementation code. base
1.105 1.105.0 master/...@144829 Version for Configura (DLL). base
1.104 1.104.0 master/...@64984 Version for Configura (bug fix in mps_arena_unsafe_expose_remember_protection). base
1.103 1.103.0 master/...@64253 Version for Configura (mps_arena_unsafe_expose_remember_protection). base
1.102 1.102.0 master/...@63087 Version for Configura (mps_arena_expose). base
1.101 Unknown master/...@51907 Version for Configura (mps_arena_has_addr improvements). base
1.100 1.100.0 1.100.1 master/...@30258 First open source version. base

A. References

[RB 1999-05-20] "Product Quality through Change Management"; Richard Brooksby; Geodesic Systems; 1999-05-20; <URL: https://www.ravenbrook.com/doc/1999/05/20/pqtcm/>.

B. Document History

2002-06-17 RB Created based on P4DTI document.
2002-06-18 RB Added version 1.100. Added release 1.100.0.
2002-06-21 NB Added release 1.100.1.
2004-03-05 DRJ Added versions 1.101 through to 1.104.
2005-09-30 RHSK Registered version 1.105; added version 1.106.
2006-02-16 RHSK Noted release 1.106.1 in version 1.106.
2006-04-11 RHSK Noted release 1.106.2 in version 1.106; updated summary of version 1.106.
2006-12-13 RHSK Registered version 1.107.
2007-07-06 RHSK Registered version 1.108, and release 1.108.0.
2008-01-07 RHSK Noted release 1.108.1 in version 1.108.
2008-05-01 RHSK Noted release 1.108.2 in version 1.108.
2010-03-04 RHSK Registered version 1.109, and release 1.109.0.
2010-03-23 RHSK Registered release 1.109.1.
2013-06-04 RB Registering release 1.110.0, version 1.111, and release 1.111.0.
2014-01-13 GDR Registered version 1.112 and release 1.112.0.
2014-03-18 GDR Registered version 1.113 and release 1.113.0.

C. Copyright and License

This document is copyright © 2002–2014 Ravenbrook Limited. All rights reserved. This is an open source license. Contact Ravenbrook for commercial licensing options.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how to obtain complete source code for the this software and any accompanying software that uses this software. The source code must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For an executable file, complete source code means the source code for all modules it contains. It does not include source code for modules or files that typically accompany the major components of the operating system on which the executable file runs.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright holders and contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

$Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/version/index.html#40 $

Ravenbrook / Projects / Memory Pool System / Master Product Sources