Title | The P4DTI doesn't include an integration kit |
Status | closed |
Priority | critical |
Assigned user | Nick Barnes |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | The P4DTI does not include an integration kit to enable third parties to develop new integrations. |
Analysis | This job exists to give us an entry in the "what's new" section of release 1.1.0. |
How found | inspection |
Evidence | <URL: http://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2001/03/30/12-28-24/0.txt > |
Observed in | 1.0.6 |
Introduced in | 0.3.0 |
Created by | Nick Barnes |
Created on | 2001-04-09 15:29:42 |
Last modified by | Gareth Rees |
Last modified on | 2001-12-10 19:38:06 |
History | 2001-04-09 NB Created. |