P4DTI issue job000551

TitleP4DTI kit for Unix has DOS line endings
Assigned userRichard Brooksby
DescriptionSince the release build procedure was automated we've been creating integration kits for Unix with DOS line endings.
AnalysisThe "build.py" script creates the tarball on a Windows box using the Windows checked out files.
This defect was introduced in changelist 14097.
How foundinspection
EvidenceUnpack p4dti-kit-1.4.2.tar.gz and view the readme.txt.
Observed in1.4.2
Introduced in1.1.2
Created byRichard Brooksby
Created on2002-06-25 15:44:18
Last modified byRichard Brooksby
Last modified on2002-06-25 15:48:29
History2002-06-25 RB Created.


Change Effect Date User Description
31254 closed 2002-07-19 16:12:04 Nick Barnes automated build design needs note about line-endings.
30540 open 2002-06-26 18:11:06 Richard Brooksby Merging fix for job000551 (P4DTI kit for Unix has DOS line endings) from master sources to version 1.5 sources.
30539 open 2002-06-26 18:09:08 Richard Brooksby Merging fix for job000551 (P4DTI kit for Unix has DOS line endings) from version 1.4 sources to master sources.
30538 open 2002-06-26 18:03:37 Richard Brooksby Moving the build of the P4DTI kit for Unix to the Unix part of the Release Build Procedure so that it gets the right line endings.