#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/master/test/test/script/compile#3 $
# provides subroutines to compile or compile and link
# tests and test libraries.
# it should work at least on SunOS, Solaris and NT


sub log_system {
    local ($command, $output, $logfile, $stdin) = @_;
    my $time0; my $time1;

    $std_log = "$obj_dir/std_log.log";
    $err_log = "$obj_dir/err_log.log";

    &debug("LOG SYSTEM:\n c>$command\n i<$stdin\n o>$output\n l>$logfile");

    if ($stdin eq "STDIN") {
        $stdin = "";
    } else {
        $stdin = $stdin_red." ".$stdin;

    $time0 = time;

    if ($logfile ne "no") {
        open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR");
        open(STDERR, ">$err_log");
        if ($output eq "no") {
            &mysystem("$comwrap$command$comwrapend $stdin $stdout_red $std_log");
        } else {
            &mysystem("$comwrap$command$comwrapend $stdin $stdout_dup $std_log");
        $time1 = time;
        if ($output ne "no") {
            &mysystem("$catcommand $err_log");
        open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");
        &mysystem("$catcommand $std_log $err_log $stdout_red $logfile");
    } else {
        if ($output eq "no") {
            die "Silly attempt to run test and ignore results.\n";
        } else {
            &mysystem("$comwrap$command$comwrapend $stdin");
            $time1 = time;
    $time1 = time;
    $testtotaltime = $time1-$time0;

sub compile {
 local($srcfile, $objfile) = @_;
 $command = "$cc_command $cc_conly $cc_opts $cc_obj$objfile ".
  "$srcfile $cc_include";

 if (&mysystem($command)) {
  return 0;
 } else {
  return 1;

sub compile_and_link {
 local($srcfile, $exefile, $linkfiles, $objfile, $hashdefs) = @_;

 unless ($linkfiles) {$linkfiles =""};
 $linkfiles = " ".$linkfiles;
 $linkfiles =~ s/ +(\S)/ $obj_dir\/$1/g;
 $linkfiles = $linkfiles." ";
 $linkfiles =~ s/\.o /$obj_suffix /g;
 $objfile = "$obj_dir/tmp_obj$obj_suffix";

 $hashdefs = ""; 
 foreach (keys %parmdefs) {
  $hashdefs .= &$quotestring($cc_def.$_.$cc_defeq.$parmdefs{$_})." ";
 chop $hashdefs;

 if ($cc_objandexe) {
  $comobjfspec = "$cc_obj$objfile "
 } else {
  $comobjfspec = ""

 $command = &convdirseps(
  "$cc_command $cc_opts $hashdefs $comobjfspec$cc_exe$exefile ".
  "$srcfile $linkfiles $MPS_LINK_OBJ $cc_link $cc_include $cc_link_opts|");
 &debug("OPEN >>$command<<");

 unless(open(COMLINK, $command)) {
  return 0;
 $compoutput = "";

 while (<COMLINK>) {
  $compoutput .= $_;
  print $_;

 if ($compoutput) {
  chop $compoutput;

 if ($?) {
  return 0;
 } else {
  return 1;