#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/master/test/test/script/platform#9 $
# Settings that depend on the platform, including C compiler and command syntax
# And the %identify hash of useful information
# to record in the test results.


# Set lots of variables correctly, depending on the platform
# (which was determined in 'options')
# Currently, it should work correctly on Windows, Linux, macOS,
# FreeBSD.

sub platform_settings {
 if ($PLATFORM =~ "^w3") {
 } elsif ($PLATFORM =~ "^li") {
 } elsif ($PLATFORM =~ "^xc") {
 } elsif ($PLATFORM =~ "^fr") {
 } else {
  die "Sorry: I don't know how to use $PLATFORM.\n";
 unless (defined $MPS_LINK_OBJ && $MPS_LINK_OBJ ne "") {
  $MPS_LINK_OBJ = "$MPS_INCLUDE_DIR/$link_obj";

sub settings_nt {
 $dirsep = "/";
 $link_obj = "$PLATFORM/$VARIETY/mps.obj";
 $make_command = "nmake /f $PLATFORM.nmk VARIETY=$VARIETY $link_obj";
 $debug_command = "vsjitdebugger";
 $cc_command = "cl";
 $cc_opts = "/nologo /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /W3 /Zi /Oy- /MD";
 $cc_link = "$obj_dir/platform.obj";
 $cc_include = "/I$testlib_dir /I$MPS_INCLUDE_DIR /I$obj_dir";
 $cc_def = "/D";
 $cc_defeq = "=";
 $cc_preonly = "/EP";
 $cc_conly = "/c";
 $cc_obj = "/Fo";
 $cc_exe = "/Fe";
 $cc_objandexe = 1;
 $obj_suffix = ".obj";
 $try_command = "";
 $catcommand = "cat";
 $comwrap = "\"";
 $comwrapend = "\"";
 $stdout_red = ">";
 $stdout_dup = "| tee";
 $stdin_red = "<";
 $stdboth_red = ">%s 2>&1";
 $quotestring = \&nt_quotestring;
 $platmailfile = \&nt_mailfile;
 $stringscommand = "strings";
 $preprocommand = "$cc_command /nologo $cc_preonly";
 $exesuff = ".exe";
 %ignored_headers = ();

sub settings_nt_cap {
 $cc_opts = "$cc_opts /Gh";
 $cc_link = "$cc_link CAP.lib";

sub settings_nt_coff {

sub settings_unix {
 $dirsep = "/";
 $link_obj = "$PLATFORM/$VARIETY/mps.o";
 $make_command = "make -B -f $PLATFORM.gmk VARIETY=$VARIETY $link_obj";
 $cc_link = "$obj_dir/platform.o -lm";
 $cc_link_opts = "-z muldefs";
 if ($PLATFORM =~ /ll$/) {
  $cc_command = "clang";
  $debug_command = "lldb";
 } elsif ($PLATFORM =~ /gc$/) {
  $cc_command = "gcc";
  $debug_command = "gdb";
 } else {
  $cc_command = "cc";
  $debug_command = "gdb";
 $cc_opts = "-ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes ".
  "-Winline -Waggregate-return -Wnested-externs -Wcast-qual ".
  "-Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-align ".
  "-O -g -ggdb3 ";
 $cc_include = "-I$testlib_dir -I$MPS_INCLUDE_DIR -I$obj_dir";
 $cc_def = "-D";
 $cc_defeq = "=";
 $cc_preonly = "-E";
 $cc_conly = "-c";
 $cc_obj = "-o ";
 $cc_exe = "-o ";
 $cc_objandexe = 0;
 $obj_suffix = ".o";
 $try_command = "sh -c ";
 $catcommand = "cat";
 $comwrap = "sh -c 'ulimit -c 0; ";
 # The "true" after the test program forces the test program to be run
 # inside the subshell (with "Segmentation fault" messages written to
 # the pipe and captured) rather than in the parent shell (with
 # "Segmentation fault" messages written to the terminal and so lost).
 $comwrapend = "; true'";
 $stdout_red = ">";
 $stdout_dup = "| tee";
 $stdin_red = "<";
 $stdboth_red = ">%s 2>&1";
 $quotestring = \&unix_quotestring;
 $platmailfile = \&unix_mailfile;
 $stringscommand = "strings";
 $preprocommand = "$cc_command $cc_preonly";
 $exesuff = "";
 %ignored_headers = ("mpswin.h" => 1, "mpsw3.h" => 1);

sub settings_gprof {
 $cc_opts = "-pg ".$cc_opts;

sub settings_linux {
 $cc_link .= " -lpthread";

sub settings_freebsd {
 $make_command = "gmake -B -f $PLATFORM.gmk VARIETY=$VARIETY $link_obj";
 $cc_link .= " -lpthread";

sub settings_macosx {
 local $config = "Debug";
 if ($VARIETY eq "hot") {
  $config = "Release";
 } elsif ($VARIETY eq "rash") {
  $config = "Rash";
 $link_obj = "xc/$config/libmps.a";
 $make_command = "xcodebuild -project mps.xcodeproj -config $config -target mps";
 $debug_command = "lldb";
 $cc_command = "clang";
 $cc_link = "$obj_dir/platform.o";
 $cc_link_opts =~ s/-z muldefs//;
 $cc_opts =~ s/-Wstrict-prototypes//;
 $cc_opts .= " -Wno-unused -Wno-missing-prototypes";

# Wrapping up strings to quote them in system calls

sub nt_quotestring {
 return $_[0];

sub unix_quotestring {
 local ($_) = @_;
 return "'".$_."'";

# Subroutines to send email (for archiving test results).

sub nt_mailfile {
 local ($file, $to, $subj, $from) = @_;
 if (exists $ENV{"USERNAME"}) {
  $from = $ENV{"USERNAME"};
 } else {
  $from = "mm-qa";
  "$script_dir/ntx86bin/blat.exe ".
  "$file -server mailhost -f $from -t $to -s \"$subj\" -q");

sub unix_mailfile {
 local ($file, $to, $subj) = @_;

  "{ echo 'To: $to'; echo 'Subject: $subj'; cat $file; } | /usr/lib/sendmail -t");

# %identify records useful information to present in the test results
# &identify sets it up.

sub identify {
 %identify = ();
 if ($PLATFORM =~ /^w3/) {
 } elsif ($PLATFORM =~ /^(fr|li|xc)/) {
 $identify{"time"} = localtime;
 $identify{"harness_version"} = $HARNESS_VERSION;

sub envvar {
 if (exists $ENV{$_[1]}) {
  $identify{$_[0]} = $ENV{$_[1]};

sub comvar {
 my ($var, $com, $pat) = @_;
 if (open(COM, $com." 2>&1 |")) {
  while (<COM>) {
   if ($pat eq "" || /$pat/) {
    $identify{$_[0]} = $_;

sub identify_nt {
 &envvar("machine", "COMPUTERNAME");
 &envvar("user", "USERNAME");
 &envvar("OS", "OS");
 &envvar("arch", "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
 &comvar("c_version", "cl /?", "");

sub identify_unix {
 &comvar("machine", "uname -n", "");
 &comvar("user", "who am i", "");
 if (exists $identify{"user"}) {
  $identify{"user"} =~ s/\s.*//;
 &comvar("c_version", "$cc_command -v", "version");
 &comvar("OS", "uname", "");
 &comvar("arch", "uname -a", "");