/* $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/master/test/test/testlib/fastfmt.h#4 $
   Format like rankfmt (see rankfmt.h) and with same object
   structure, but with no checking or comments.
   Use for performance testing only.

#ifndef fastfmt_h
#define fastfmt_h

#include "testlib.h"

extern mps_addr_t exfmt_root;

/* the object format is visible so tests that want to
   can hack around with it

#define MAXSIZE 10000

enum {MCpad=(int) 0x1, MCheart=(int) 0x2, MCdata=(int) 0x0};

enum {MCerrorid=(int) 0xE6606};

/* n.b. MCerrorid < 0x1000000 so it won't clash with id of
   any ordinary object

typedef union mycell mycell;

typedef mps_word_t tag;

struct pad {tag tag;};

struct heart {tag tag; mps_addr_t obj; size_t size;};

struct data
 tag tag;
 mycell *assoc;
 size_t size;
 long int id;
 long int copycount;
 long int numrefs;
 int checkedflag;
 mps_rank_t rank;
 struct refitem {mycell *addr; long int id;} ref[MAXSIZE];

union mycell
 tag tag;
 struct pad       pad;
 struct heart     heart;
 struct data      data;

extern struct mps_fmt_A_s fmtA;

mycell *allocone(mps_ap_t ap, int size, mps_rank_t rank);
mycell *allocdumb(mps_ap_t ap, size_t bytes, mps_rank_t rank);

mps_addr_t getdata(mycell *obj);
mps_addr_t getassociated(mps_addr_t addr);
void setref(mycell *obj, int n, mycell *to);
mycell *getref(mycell *obj, int n);

long int getid(mycell *obj);
long int getsize(mycell *obj);

void checkfrom(mycell *obj);
