/* $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/master/test/test/testlib/myfmt.c#6 $
   a format for scannable objects

#include "myfmt.h"
#include <string.h>

enum {MCpadsingle, MCpadmany, MCheart, MCdata};

/* some options on the format are controlled by global
   variables. Of course for efficiency we'd do it in the
   pre-processor, but that would require recompilation...

 variable      default function

 formatcomments   1   print comments on scanning, fixing, copying
 copysurplus      1   copy the surplus space in objects when moving 


int formatcomments=1;
int copysurplus=1;

/* we don't have a separate type for leaf nodes;
   instead the scanning function doesn't fix null refs

   the words after ref[1] are copied by mycopy,
   (so you can use them to store data) as long as copysurplus=1

static mps_res_t myscan(mps_ss_t ss, mps_addr_t base, mps_addr_t limit);
static mps_addr_t myskip(mps_addr_t object);
static void myfwd(mps_addr_t object, mps_addr_t to);
static mps_addr_t myisfwd(mps_addr_t object);
static void mycopy(mps_addr_t object, mps_addr_t to);
static void mypad(mps_addr_t base, size_t size);

struct mps_fmt_A_s fmtA =

void fmtargs(mps_arg_s args[MPS_ARGS_MAX])
  args[0].key = MPS_KEY_ALIGN;
  args[0].val.align = MPS_PF_ALIGN;
  args[1].key = MPS_KEY_FMT_SCAN;
  args[1].val.fmt_scan = myscan;
  args[2].key = MPS_KEY_FMT_SKIP;
  args[2].val.fmt_skip = myskip;
  args[3].key = MPS_KEY_FMT_FWD;
  args[3].val.fmt_fwd = myfwd;
  args[4].key = MPS_KEY_FMT_ISFWD;
  args[4].val.fmt_isfwd = myisfwd;
  args[5].key = MPS_KEY_FMT_PAD;
  args[5].val.fmt_pad = mypad;
  args[6].key = MPS_KEY_ARGS_END;

mycell *allocheader(mps_ap_t ap, mps_word_t data,
 mycell *ref0, mycell *ref1, size_t size, size_t header)
 mps_addr_t p;
 mycell *q;
 size_t align;

 align = MPS_PF_ALIGN; /* makes it long enough for ~ to work */

 if (size < sizeof(mycell))
  error("Tried to allocate too small an object.");

/* twiddle the value of size to make it aligned */
 size = (size+header+align-1) & ~(align-1);

  die(mps_reserve(&p, ap, size), "Reserve: ");
  q=(void *)((char *)p + header);
  q->tag = MCdata;
  q->data = data;
  q->size = size;
  q->ref[0] = ref0;
  q->ref[1] = ref1;
 while (!mps_commit(ap, p, size));
 return q;

mycell *allocone(mps_ap_t ap, mps_word_t data,
 mycell *ref0, mycell *ref1, size_t size)
  return allocheader(ap, data, ref0, ref1, size, 0);

mps_res_t myscan(mps_ss_t ss, mps_addr_t base, mps_addr_t limit)
  while (base < limit)
   mycell *obj = base;
   unsigned long data = (unsigned long)obj->data;
   mps_res_t res;

   commentif(formatcomments, "scan %lu at %p", data, obj);
   switch (obj->tag)
    case MCpadsingle:
     base = (mps_addr_t) ((mps_word_t) obj + MPS_PF_ALIGN);
    case MCpadmany:
     base = (mps_addr_t) (obj->data);
    case MCdata:
     /* actual scanning is done in here */

     if (obj->ref[0] != NULL)
      commentif(formatcomments, "fix %lu[0] -> %p", data, obj->ref[0]);
      res = MPS_FIX12(ss, (mps_addr_t *) &(obj->ref[0])); /* pun! */
      if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
       return res;
     if (obj->ref[1] != NULL)
      commentif(formatcomments, "fix %lu[1] -> %p", data, obj->ref[1]);
      res = MPS_FIX12(ss, (mps_addr_t *) &(obj->ref[1])); /* pun! */
      if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
       return res;
     /* \/ fall through \/ */

    case MCheart:
     base = (mps_addr_t) ((char *) obj + (obj->size));
  asserts(base == limit, "base <> limit in scan!");
 return MPS_RES_OK;

mps_addr_t myskip(mps_addr_t object)
 mycell *obj = object;
  case MCpadsingle:
   return (mps_addr_t) ((mps_word_t) obj+MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  case MCpadmany:
   return (mps_addr_t) (obj->data);
  case MCheart: case MCdata:
   return (mps_addr_t) ((char *) obj + (obj->size));
   asserts(0, "skip: bizarre obj tag at %p.", obj);
   return 0; /* just to satisfy the compiler! */

void mycopy(mps_addr_t object, mps_addr_t to)
 mycell *boj = object;
/* mycell *toj = to;

 commentif(formatcomments, "copy! %p -> %p\n", object, to);

/* this line is bad, because the objects might overlap,
   and then C doesn't guarantee to do the right thing!

   *toj = *boj;

 asserts(boj->tag == MCdata, "Bad object tag in copy");

 if (copysurplus)
  memmove(to, object, boj->size);
  memmove(to, object, sizeof(mycell));

/* it's guaranteed that we won't have to copy a pad, so we
   don't have to worry about fiddling the pointer


void mypad(mps_addr_t base, size_t size)
 mycell *obj = base;

 asserts(size >= MPS_PF_ALIGN, "size too small for pad");
 if (size == MPS_PF_ALIGN)
  obj->tag = MCpadsingle;
  obj->tag = MCpadmany;
  obj->data = ((mps_word_t) base) + size;

mps_addr_t myisfwd(mps_addr_t object)
 mycell *obj = object;
 if (obj->tag != MCheart)
  return NULL;
  return (mps_addr_t) obj->data;

void myfwd(mps_addr_t object, mps_addr_t to)
 mycell *obj = object;

 obj->tag = MCheart;
 obj->data = (mps_word_t) to;