Free list allocator

author Gareth Rees
date 2013-05-18
revision //
status incomplete design
tag design.mps.freelist


.intro: This document describes the free list allocator for the Memory Pool System.

.readership: Any MPS developer.


.overview: The free list allocator is an "emergency" allocator. It is intended for use as a fallback allocation strategy in low memory situations, when memory is not available for the control structures needed by other allocators. In these situations the free list allocator ensures that memory is not lost, but with several disadvantages:

  1. operations on the free list take time proportional to the number of free blocks;
  2. the data structures are stored in client memory and so are vulnerable to corruption;
  3. the data structures have poor locality (and thus potentially poor cache performance).

When memory becomes available again to allocate control structures, the free lists can be "flushed" back into the more efficient data structures.

.bg: The free list allocator was formerly part of the Coalescing Block Structure module (see but it was split into its own module because this makes it:

  1. simpler (no need to interact with CBS) and thus more maintainable;
  2. possible to test directly (no need to create a CBS and then force its control pool to run out of memory); and
  3. usable as a fallback allocator in other pools (not just in pools that use CBS).


.def.range: A (contiguous) range of addresses is a semi-open interval on address space.

.def.isolated: A contiguous range is isolated with respect to some property it has, if adjacent elements do not have that property.


.req.set: Must maintain a set of free address ranges.

.req.add: Must be able to add free address ranges to the set.

.req.remove: Must be able to remove address ranges from the set (in particular, when memory is allocated).

.req.iterate: Must support the iteration of all isolated contiguous ranges.

.req.protocol: Must detect protocol violations.

.req.align: Must support an alignment (the alignment of all addresses specifying ranges) of down to sizeof(void*) without losing memory. Must have zero space overhead for the storage of any set of free blocks, so that it can be used to manage memory when no memory can be allocated for control structures.

.req.source: This set of requirements is derived from those of the CBS module (see, except that there is no equivalent of, and has been replaced with



typedef struct FreelistStruct *Freelist

.type.freelist: The type of free lists. The structure FreelistStruct is declared in the header so that it can be inlined in other structures, but you should not depend on its details.

typedef Bool (*FreelistIterateMethod)(Bool *deleteReturn, Freelist fl, Range range, void *closureP, Size closureS)

.type.iterate.method: A callback function that may be passed to FreelistIterate(). It is called for every isolated contiguous range in address order, and with the closure arguments that were originally passed to FreelistIterate(). It must update *deleteReturn to TRUE if the range must be deleted from the free lists, or FALSE if the range must be kept. The function must return TRUE if the iteration must continue, and FALSE if the iteration must stop (after possibly deleting the current range).


Res FreelistInit(Freelist fl, Align alignment)

.function.init: Initialize the Freelist structure pointed to by fl. The argument alignment is the alignment of address ranges to be maintained. An initialised free list contains no address ranges.

void FreelistFinish(Freelist fl)

.function.finish: Finish the free list pointed to by fl.

Res FreelistInsert(Range rangeReturn, Freelist fl, Range range)

.function.insert: If any part of range is already in the free list fl, then leave the free list unchanged and return ResFAIL. Otherwise, insert range into the free list fl; update rangeReturn to describe the contiguous isolated range containing the inserted range (this may differ from range if there was coalescence on either side) and return ResOK.

Res FreelistDelete(Range rangeReturn, Freelist fl, Range range)

.function.delete: If any part of the range is not in the free list, then leave the free list unchanged and return ResFAIL. Otherwise, remove range from the free list and update rangeReturn to describe the contiguous isolated range that formerly contained the deleted range (this may differ from range if there were fragments left on either side), and return ResOK.

void FreelistIterate(Freelist fl, FreelistIterateMethod iterate, void *closureP, Size closureS)

.function.iterate: Iterate all isolated contiguous ranges in the free list fl in address order, calling iterate for each one. See FreelistIterateMethod for details.

Bool FreelistFindFirst(Range rangeReturn, Range oldRangeReturn, Freelist fl, Size size, FindDelete findDelete)

.function.find.first: Locate the first isolated contiguous range in address order, within the free list fl, of at least size bytes, update rangeReturn to that range, and return TRUE. If there is no such continuous range, return FALSE.

In addition, optionally delete the found range from the free list, depending on the findDelete argument. This saves a separate call to FreelistDelete(), and uses the knowledge of exactly where we found the range. The value of findDelete must come from this enumeration:

enum {
    FindDeleteNONE,    /* don't delete after finding */
    FindDeleteLOW,     /* delete size bytes from low end of block */
    FindDeleteHIGH,    /* delete size bytes from high end of block */
    FindDeleteENTIRE   /* delete entire range */

The original contiguous isolated range in which the range was found is returned via the oldRangeReturn argument. (If findDelete is FindDeleteNONE or FindDeleteENTIRE, then this will be identical to the range returned via the rangeReturn argument.)

Bool FreelistFindLast(Range rangeReturn, Range oldRangeReturn, Freelist fl, Size size, FindDelete findDelete)

.function.find.last: Like FreelistFindFirst(), except that it finds the last block in address order.

Bool FreelistFindLargest(Range rangeReturn, Range oldRangeReturn, Freelist fl, Size, size, FindDelete findDelete)

.function.find.largest: Locate the largest block within the free list fl, and if that block is at least as big as size, return its range via the rangeReturn argument, and return TRUE. If there are no blocks in the free list at least as large as size, return FALSE. Pass 0 for size if you want the largest block unconditionally.

Like FreelistFindFirst(), optionally delete the range from the free list. (Always the whole range: specifying FindDeleteLOW or FindDeleteHIGH has the same effect as FindDeleteENTIRE).

void FreelistFlushToCBS(Freelist fl, CBS cbs)

Remove free address ranges from the free list fl and add them to the Coalescing Block Structure cbs. Continue until a call to CBSInsert() fails, or until the free list is empty, whichever happens first.

Res FreelistDescribe(Freelist fl, mps_lib_FILE *stream)

.function.describe: Print a textual representation of the free list fl to the given stream, indicating the contiguous ranges in order. It is provided for debugging purposes only.


.impl.list: The isolated contiguous free address ranges are kept on an address-ordered singly linked free list. (As in traditional malloc() implementations.)

.impl.block: If the free address range is large enough to contain an inline block descriptor consisting of two pointers, then the two pointers stored are to the next free range in address order (or NULL if there are no more ranges), and to the limit of current free address range, in that order.

.impl.grain: Otherwise, the free address range must be large enough to contain a single pointer. The pointer stored is to the next free range in address order, or NULL if there are no more ranges.

.impl.tag: Grains and blocks are distinguished by a one-bit tag in the low bit of the first word (the one containing the pointer to the next range). Grains have this bit set; blocks have this bit reset.

.impl.invariant: The ranges stored in the free list are isolated: no two ranges are adjacent or overlapping.

.impl.merge: When a free address range is added to the free list, it is merged with adjacent ranges so as to maintain .impl.invariant.

.impl.rule.break: The use of NULL to mark the end of the list violates the rule that exceptional values should not be used to distinguish exeptional situations. This infraction allows the implementation to meet (There are other ways to do this, such as using another tag to indicate the last block in the list, but these would be more complicated.)

Opportunities for improvement

.improve.length: When iterating over the list, we could check that the number of elements visited in the course of the iteration does not exceed the recorded size of the list.

.improve.maxsize: We could maintain the maximum size of any range on the list, and use that to make an early exit from FreelistFindLargest(). It's not clear that this would actually be an improvement.

Document History

  • 2013-05-18 GDR Initial draft based on CBS "emergency block" design.