$Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/version/1.114/test/test/README#1 $

This is the Memory Management QA test harness. To use it you need
perl 5 (or higher). Go "perl qa help" for help, "perl qa options"
to see what version of the harness you have (or look at the
file "test/version").

Running on OS X

On OS X you can invoke the test suite like this::

    $ cd test
    $ alias qa="perl test/qa -i ../code -l ../code/xc/mps.build/Debug/mps.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/mps.o"
    $ qa clib
    $ qa run function/5.c
    $ qa runset testsets/passing

Each test case is compiled in its turn to the file
``test/obj/Darwin_12.3.0_i386__unix/tmp_test`` so you can debug it

    $ lldb test/obj/Darwin_12.3.0_i386__unix/tmp_test