Issues newly fixed in P4DTI release 0.4.1

Job Priority Title
job000001 critical The P4DTI project has no system for planning and tracking change
job000004 critical "p4 -G jobspec -o" doesn't work
job000007 critical The fixes keyword can't be set on submit (except to "closed")
job000013 critical Deleting fixes not replicated
job000015 critical TeamTrack creates filespec entries in the TS_VACATIONS table with the wrong value in the TS_TIME2 field
job000127 critical Can't submit changelist with fix in P4Win 2000.2
job000133 critical You can't close a job by fixing it
job000010 essential "p4 -G client -o" sometimes fails
job000014 essential Edited filespecs aren't replicated from TeamTrack to Perforce
job000017 essential If you add a field to the Perforce jobspec, then "p4 -G job -o jobname" fails
job000043 essential There's no way to prevent changes by rules
job000108 essential Userids can't differ between TeamTrack and Perforce
job000119 essential The Perforce commands "change -s" and "submit -s" aren't explained in the UG
job000121 essential E-mail messages are hard to read
job000130 essential UG should say "p4 submit -s" not "p4 submit"
job000131 essential The UG is confusing
job000132 essential Supported platforms unclear
job000126 optional Documentation tells people to use command line to see fixes
job000136 optional Unclear where the data lives