P4DTI issue job000153

Title"despot" not supported by Bugzilla integration
Assigned userNick Barnes
DescriptionThere is an LDAP tool called "Despot", developed and used for Mozilla to manage users, user groups, module ownership, etc. There is a switch in Bugzilla to use Despot for these purposes. The P4DTI Bugzilla integration doesn't support it. Despot support was dropped from Bugzilla version 2.16, so this is no longer a defect in the P4DTI.
AnalysisNobody ever expressed any interest in Despot support in the P4DTI.
How foundinspection
EvidenceThis was listed by NB for inclusion in the AG on 2000-12-05
Introduced in0.5.0
Created byRichard Brooksby
Created on2000-12-13 13:25:55
Last modified byDavid Jones
Last modified on2003-08-19 13:55:56
History2000-12-13 RB Created.
2001-01-18 RB Downgraded to "nice". Upgrade again if requested by users.
2003-05-19 NB Fixed due to dropping from Bugzilla.
2003-08-19 DRJ Suspended to avoid appearing in release notes


Change Effect Date User Description
35235 suspended 2002-11-07 12:01:04 Richard Brooksby Merging version 1.5 changes back to masters.