P4DTI issue job000755

Titleconfig.py still has TeamTrack section
Assigned userDavid Jones
Descriptionconfig.py still has a TeamTrack section, although TeamTrack integration is no longer supported.
AnalysisThis is Perforce job job011358. NB thought he had removed this already. Remove this and check through the sources for other TeamTrack references.

Removed and used "find . -type f -print | xargs grep -i teamtrack" to check remaining occurences in code/. [drj 2003-08-07]
How foundcustomer
EvidenceSee 2.0.0 config.py.
Observed in2.0.0
Introduced in2.0.0
Created byNick Barnes
Created on2003-08-05 17:17:27
Last modified byDavid Jones
Last modified on2003-08-07 12:26:13
History2003-08-05 NB Created.
2003-08-07 DRJ Done.


Change Effect Date User Description
52655 closed 2003-08-07 12:23:52 David Jones p4dti: removing TeamTrack from config