P4DTI issue job001263

TitleP4DTI doesn't support Bugzilla 2.20.
Assigned userNick Barnes
DescriptionBugzilla 2.20 was released on 2005-10-01. The P4DTI must be extended to work with it.
AnalysisNew database schema (enum tables, null fields). Better checksetup answers support. See job001258, job001259, job001260, job001262. Test suite needs fixing accordingly, and all documentation needs updating to reflect new version support.
How foundinspection
Observed in2.2.2
Introduced in2.2.2
Created byNick Barnes
Created on2005-10-21 15:11:42
Last modified byNick Barnes
Last modified on2005-10-21 15:28:03
History2005-10-21 NB Created.


Change Effect Date User Description
155508 closed 2005-10-21 15:07:12 Nick Barnes Update to reflect support for Bugzilla 2.18.4 and 2.20
155476 open 2005-10-20 11:52:58 Nick Barnes Change test suite to use Bugzilla's checksetup.pl answers mechanism, and not to patch Bugzilla for Win32 because it doesn't need it any more.
155472 open 2005-10-19 18:43:35 Nick Barnes Test materials for Bugzilla 2.20.
155470 open 2005-10-19 18:19:33 Nick Barnes Numerous changes to bring P4DTI up-to-date with Bugzilla 2.20 and unicode Perforce servers.
155325 open 2005-10-10 16:20:03 Nick Barnes Add new field definition.
155236 open 2005-10-04 16:00:21 Nick Barnes Handle Bugzilla 2.20 enumeration tables.
155220 open 2005-10-03 16:56:15 Nick Barnes Patch Bugzilla 2.20 for P4DTI.
155206 open 2005-10-03 12:47:36 Nick Barnes Patch Bugzilla 2.18.4 for P4DTI.
155205 open 2005-10-03 12:46:02 Nick Barnes Integrate Bugzilla 2.18.4 into development sources.